Choosing The Right Sleeping Bag

Update:09 Mar 2021

  The temperature rating is almost as important as your […]

  The temperature rating is almost as important as your sleeping bag, depending on your sleep. We use the on-site cold storage room to perfect the fit of our sleeping bags, thereby optimizing the spacious luxury space according to the design, and providing high-performance lightweight warmth. Therefore, when understanding the fit of a sleeping bag is crucial, how do you choose the one that suits you best? Let's take a closer look at the size, shape and fit of the sleeping bag, so that you can better determine which sleeping bag is best for you.


  Sleeping bag length


  The size of a sleeping bag depends on its length, and although this may seem obvious, the correct length of your sleeping bag should be directly related to your height. For example, if you are 6 feet tall, you should sleep in a bag of roughly the same length.


  However, don’t think that a 6-foot sleeping bag should be as suitable as a glove. A 6-foot long sleeping bag will actually be about 6 feet 8 inches long, which provides the extra space needed for correct placement for a 6-foot tall person. Why need extra space? When we lie flat, our spine is decompressed, our feet fall forward, and our bodies spread out. As a result, sleeping bag designers compensated for this by adding a few inches to the length.


  In order to eliminate all possible space, please choose a sleeping bag size that fits your length. There are three sizes of sleeping bags: small (5 feet 6 inches), regular (6 feet) and long (6 feet 6 inches). Choose the size closest to the height you are measuring.


  Sleeping bag shape


  The shape of the sleeping bag should reflect the style of camping you plan to do. There are three basic shapes of bags: mummy, rectangular and semi-rectangular.


  1. Mummy-The most popular shape is a mummy bag, which fits snugly and tapers toward the feet, making it the warmest choice. This shape minimizes the amount of air between you and the insulated wall of the bag, which means less air to be heated. Due to its efficient shape, its weight is also light and easy to pack, making it an ideal choice for backpacks or technical adventures that require both packability and a high degree of warmth. Shortcomings? room. Compared with other shapes, mummy bags may be restricted.


  2. Rectangle-As the name suggests, this is a non-tapered design with lower heating efficiency, but less restraint when sleeping. Because of the freedom of movement they provide, car campers in warm weather often choose rectangular sleeping bags. If comfort rather than warmth is your top priority, consider using this style of bag.


  3. Semi-rectangular-a hybrid between mummies and rectangles. For all-weather campers who need to keep warm but need extra space to increase comfort, this is a transition between the two. Although not as warm as the mummy bag that can withstand 3 to 4 seasons of camping, the semi-rectangular bag can be used on a sunny journey and is effective enough for short-distance backpacking trips.


  Our carefully crafted sleeping bags are suitable for your adventurous needs. For our fast and light customers, the fit is tapered to maximize thermal efficiency and minimize package size.


  We also realize that some campers feel uncomfortable when the backpack is too tight. Therefore, in order to eliminate this feeling, we have increased the girth between the hips and shoulders of the mummy bag, so that the sleeper can be in the extreme cold. Free to move around and wear a jacket under conditions. Most importantly, the room is a personal preference, but proper balance will improve the performance of the bag.


  Find the right figure


  Like a jacket, the best way to get the best fit is to try it if you can. It is important to realize that each brand of sleeping bag and model will adapt to different needs.

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