Office Furniture Placement Skills Make Your Work More Effective

Update:01 Jul 2022

  How to arrange the newly bought office furniture more […]

  How to arrange the newly bought office furniture more subtly is a small headache for every boss. How to arrange the indoor furniture chair to be more tasteful and how to match it more comfortably. , is also very important and cannot be ignored! Feng shui is not only needed at home, but for office workers, the feng shui in the office is more important. The amount of money in your pocket is directly related to your standard of living.

  1. Office furniture should be placed on the left side in front of the window.

  On the one hand, the front of the window is full of light and the air is fresh, which can make the reader refreshed and happy; on the other hand, it can effectively avoid the distraction of people and traffic outside the window. If the light is too strong, you can lower the curtains to adjust.

  2. Office furniture should face the door.

  The door is facing, and the outside is a bright hall. This arrangement can make people clear and active, but they must not face the door and be rushed by the door.

  3. Furniture chairs should have a backrest.

  Sitting against the wall and using the wall as the backing, it was called Leshan in ancient times. In this way, studying and working can avoid looking back and concentrating.

  4. Furniture and writing desk seats should not be behind the door.

  Furniture, desk seat back door, difficult to concentrate thinking, affecting the efficiency of learning and work.

  5. Furniture The desk is placed in the middle of the study. It is empty and empty, which is not conducive to concentration, and it is difficult to create a quiet study and work environment.

  6. Entering the door of the office, the toilet is right next to it. Because the latrine blocks the ingress of anger, it is quite unlucky for wealth and business.

  7. The financial position of the office is at the diagonal corner of the entrance. The position should be bright and clean. Avoid empty doors and fake flowers.

  8. The stairs of the office should not be facing the door, otherwise, the intake of gas and the exhaust will collide, which will be bad luck for wealth and health.

  The eight tips above can make your office more tasteful, but everything needs to be appropriate. The most important point is color matching. You can't put some office furniture with too bright colors in a light-colored office, because the working environment needs a mature and stable atmosphere. Many friends often confuse home decoration with office decoration, and it happens that the two cannot be discussed in the same way.

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